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Some generalizations of Suzuki and Edelstein type theorems


We prove some generalizations of Suzuki’s fixed point theorem and Edelstein’s theorem.


Introduction and preliminaries

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and T be a selfmap of X. Then T is called a contraction if there exists r[0,1) such that


for all x,yX.

The following famous theorem is referred to as the Banach contraction principle.

Theorem 1 (Banach [1])

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, and let T be a contraction on X. Then T has a unique fixed point.

This theorem is a very forceful and simple, and it has become a classical tool in nonlinear analysis. It has many generalizations, see [219].

In 2008, Suzuki [20] introduced a new type of mapping and presented a generalization of the Banach contraction principle in which the completeness can also be characterized by the existence of a fixed point of these mappings.

Theorem 2 [20]

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Define a nonincreasing function θ from [0,1) onto (1/2,1] by

θ(r)= { 1 if  0 r ( 5 1 ) / 2 , ( 1 r ) / r 2 if  ( 5 1 ) / 2 r 1 / 2 , 1 / ( 1 + r ) if  1 / 2 r < 1 .

Assume that there exists r[0,1) such that θ(r)d(x,Tx)d(x,y) implies d(Tx,Ty)rd(x,y) for all x,yX. Then there exists a unique fixed point z of T. Moreover, lim n T n x=z for all xX.

Its further outcomes by Altun and Erduran [21], Karapinar [22, 23], Kikkawa and Suzuki [24, 25], Moţ and Petruşel [26], Dhompongsa and Yingtaweesittikul [27], Popescu [28, 29], Singh and Mishra [3032] are important contributions to metric fixed point theory.

Popescu [28] introduced a new type of contractive operator and proved the following theorem.

Theorem 3 [28]

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space and T:XX be a (s,r)-contractive single-valued operator:

x,yXwith d(y,Tx)sd(y,x)impliesd(Tx,Ty)r M T (x,y),

where r[0,1), s>r and

M T (x,y)=max { d ( x , y ) , d ( x , T x ) , d ( y , T y ) , d ( x , T y ) + d ( y , T x ) 2 } .

Then T has a fixed point. Moreover, if s1, then T has a unique fixed point.

As a direct consequence of Theorem 3, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 4 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Assume that there exist r[0,1) and s>r such that


for all x,yX. Then there exists a fixed point z of T. Further, if s1, then there exists a unique fixed point of T.

The following theorem is a well-known result in fixed point theory.

Theorem 5 (Edelstein [33])

Let (X,d) be a compact metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Assume d(Tx,Ty)<d(x,y) for all x,yX with xy. Then T has a unique fixed point.

Inspired by Theorem 2, Suzuki [34] proved a generalization of Edelstein’s fixed point theorem (see also [3538]).

Theorem 6 [34]

Let (X,d) be a compact metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Assume that (1/2)d(x,Tx)<d(x,y) implies d(Tx,Ty)<d(x,y) for all x,yX. Then T has a unique fixed point.

In this paper, we prove generalizations of Theorem 2, Theorem 4, Theorem 5 and extend Theorem 6. The direction of our extension is new, very simple and inspired by Theorem 3.

Main results

We start this section by proving the following theorem.

Theorem 7 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Assume that there exist r[0,1), a[0,1], b[0,1), (a+b) r 2 +r1 if r[1/2,1/ 2 ), a+(a+b)r1 if r[1/ 2 ,1) such that


for all x,yX. Then there exists a unique fixed point z of T. Moreover, lim n T n x=z for all xX.

Proof Since ad(x,Tx)+bd(Tx,Tx)=ad(x,Tx)d(Tx,x) holds for every xX, by hypothesis, we get

d ( T x , T 2 x ) rd(x,Tx)

for all xX. We now fix uX and define a sequence { u n }X by u n = T n u. Then (3) yields d( u n , u n + 1 ) r n d(u,Tu), so n = 1 d( u n , u n + 1 )<. Hence { u n } is a Cauchy sequence. Since X is complete, { u n } converges to some point zX. We next show that


for all xX, xz. Since lim n d( u n ,T u n )=0, lim n d(x,T u n )= lim n d(x, u n )=d(x,z), there exists a positive integer ν such that ad( u n ,T u n )+bd(x,T u n )d(x, u n ) for all nν. By hypothesis, we get d(T u n ,Tx)rd( u n ,x). Letting n tend to ∞, we obtain d(z,Tx)rd(z,x). That is, we have shown (4).

Now we assume that T j zz for every integer j1. Then (4) yields

d ( T j + 1 z , z ) r j d(Tz,z)

for every integer j1. We consider the following three cases:

  1. (a)


  2. (b)

    1/2r<1/ 2 ,

  3. (c)

    1/ 2 r<1.

In the case (a) we note that 2r<1. Then, by (3) and (5), we have

d(z,Tz)d ( z , T 2 z ) +d ( T z , T 2 z ) rd(z,Tz)+rd(z,Tz)=2rd(z,Tz)<d(z,Tz).

This is a contradiction.

In the case (b), we note that 2 r 2 <1. If we assume ad( T 2 z, T 3 z)+bd(z, T 3 z)>d(z, T 2 z), then we have, in view of (3) and (5),

d ( z , T z ) d ( z , T 2 z ) + d ( T z , T 2 z ) < a d ( T 2 z , T 3 z ) + b d ( z , T 3 z ) + d ( T z , T 2 z ) a r 2 d ( z , T z ) + b r 2 d ( z , T z ) + r d ( z , T z ) = [ ( a + b ) r 2 + r ] d ( z , T z ) d ( z , T z ) .

This is a contradiction. Hence ad( T 2 z, T 3 z)+bd(z, T 3 z)d(z, T 2 z). By hypothesis and (5), we have

d ( z , T z ) d ( z , T 3 z ) + d ( T z , T 3 z ) r 2 d ( z , T z ) + r d ( z , T 2 z ) r 2 d ( z , T z ) + r 2 d ( z , T z ) = 2 r 2 d ( z , T z ) < d ( z , T z ) .

This is also a contradiction.

In the case (c), we assume there exists an integer ν1 such that

ad( u n , u n + 1 )+bd(z, u n + 1 )>d(z, u n )

for all nν. Then

d ( z , u n ) < a d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + b [ a d ( u n + 1 , u n + 2 ) + b d ( z , u n + 2 ) ] ( a + a b r ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + b 2 d ( z , u n + 2 ) < ( a + a b r ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + b 2 [ a d ( u n + 2 , u n + 3 ) + b d ( z , u n + 3 ) ] ( a + a b r + a b 2 r 2 ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + b 3 d ( z , u n + 3 ) .

Continuing this process, we get

d ( z , u n ) < ( a + a b r + a b 2 r 2 + + a b p 1 r p 1 ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + b p d ( z , u n + p ) a 1 ( b r ) p 1 b r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + b p d ( z , u n + p )

for all nν, p1. Letting p tend to ∞, we obtain

d(z, u n ) a 1 b r d( u n , u n + 1 )

for all nν. Thus,

d(z, u n + 1 ) a 1 b r d( u n + 1 , u n + 2 ) a r 1 b r d( u n , u n + 1 )

for all nν, so

d ( u n , u n + 1 ) d ( z , u n ) + d ( z , u n + 1 ) < a 1 b r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + a r 1 b r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) = a + a r 1 b r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) d ( u n , u n + 1 )

for all nν. This is a contradiction. Hence there exists a subsequence { u n ( k ) } of { u n } such that

ad( u n ( k ) , u n ( k ) + 1 )+bd(z, u n ( k ) + 1 )d(z, u n ( k ) )

for all k1. By hypothesis, we get d(Tz,T u n ( k ) )rd(z, u n ( k ) ) for all k1. Letting k tend to ∞, we get d(z,Tz)=0, that is, z=Tz. This is a contradiction.

Thus there exists an integer j1 such that T j z=z. By (3) we get d(z,Tz)=d( T j z, T j + 1 z) r j d(z,Tz), so d(z,Tz)=0, that is, Tz=z.

Now we suppose that y is another fixed point of T, that is, Ty=y. Then


so, by hypothesis, d(y,z)=d(Ty,Tz)rd(y,z). Hence d(y,z)=0. This is a contradiction. □

Remark 1 For r[0,1/2), taking a=1, b=0, we obtain Suzuki’s condition from Theorem 2. Moreover, from our condition and the triangle inequality, we get

ad(x,Tx)+b [ d ( x , T x ) d ( y , x ) ] d(y,x),

that is,

a + b 1 + b d(x,Tx)d(y,x).

If r[1/ 2 ,1), we have

a + b 1 + b = 1 1 + r =θ(r),

hence our condition implies Suzuki’s condition. We also note that if we take a=(1r)/ r 2 , b=0 for r[1/2,1/ 2 ), we get Suzuki’s condition. Therefore, our theorem generalizes, extends and complements Suzuki’s theorem.

Example 1 Define a complete metric space X by X={1,0,1,2} and a mapping T on X by Tx=0 if x{1,0,1} and T2=1. Then T satisfies our condition from Theorem 7 for every r[0,1/3)[1/2,1), but T does not satisfy Suzuki’s condition from Theorem 2.

Proof Since θ(r)d(1,T1)1=d(1,2) for every r[0,1), and d(T1,T2)=1=d(1,2), T does not satisfy Suzuki’s condition. If r[1/2,( 5 1)/2), we have r 2 +r<1, so taking a+b=(1r)/ r 2 , we get a+b>1. Hence ad(1,T1)+bd(1,T2)=a+2b>1=d(1,2) and ad(2,T2)+bd(2,T1)=3a+2b>1=d(1,2). Now it is obvious that T satisfies our condition. If r[( 5 1)/2,1), we take b=1/2. We have two cases: r[( 5 1)/2,1/ 2 ) and r[1/ 2 ,1). In the first case we put a=(22r r 2 )/(2 r 2 ) and in the second a=(2r)/(2+2r). We have a+2b=1+a>1 in both cases, so T satisfies our condition. If r[0,1/3) for a=1, b=1/2, it is obvious that T satisfies our condition. □

The following theorem is a generalization of Theorem 4.

Theorem 8 Let (X,d) be a complete metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Assume that there exist r[0,1), s>r such that

s r 1 + r d(x,Tx)+d(y,Tx)sd(y,x)impliesd(Tx,Ty)rd(x,y)

for all x,yX. Then T has a unique fixed point. Moreover, if s1, then T has a unique fixed point.

Proof Let u 1 X and the sequence u n be defined by u n + 1 =T u n . Since

0=d( u n + 1 ,T u n )sd( u n + 1 , u n ) s r 1 + r d( u n ,T u n ),

we get from hypothesis d( u n + 1 , u n + 2 )rd( u n + 1 , u n ) for all n1. Therefore, d( u n + 1 , u n + 2 ) r n d( u 1 , u 2 ) for all n1. Thus

n = 1 d( u n + 1 , u n ) n = 1 r n 1 d( u 1 , u 2 )<.

Hence { u n } is a Cauchy sequence. Since X is complete, { u n } converges to some point zX.

Now, we will show that there exists a subsequence { u n ( k ) } of { u n } such that

d(z,T u n ( k ) )sd(z, u n ( k ) ) s r 1 + r d( u n ( k ) ,T u n ( k ) )

for all k1. Arguing by contradiction, we suppose that there exists a positive integer ν such that

d(z,T u n )>sd(z, u n ) s r 1 + r d( u n ,T u n )

for all nν. Then we have

d ( z , u n + 2 ) > s d ( z , u n + 1 ) s r 1 + r d ( u n + 1 , u n + 2 ) > s 2 d ( z , u n ) s s r 1 + r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) s r 1 + r d ( u n + 1 , u n + 2 ) s 2 d ( z , u n ) s r 1 + r [ s d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) ] = s 2 d ( z , u n ) s r 1 + r ( s + r ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) .

By induction, we get for all nν, p1 that

d(z, u n + p )> s p d(z, u n ) s r 1 + r ( s p 1 + s p 2 r + + r p 1 ) d( u n , u n + 1 ).

Then we have

d ( z , u n + p ) > s p d ( z , u n ) s r 1 + r s p 1 1 ( r / s ) p 1 r / s d ( u n , u n + 1 ) = s p [ d ( z , u n ) s r 1 + r 1 ( r / s ) p s r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) ] .


s p [ d ( z , u n ) 1 ( r / s ) p 1 + r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) ] <d(z, u n + p ).

On the other hand,

d ( u n + p , u n ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) + d ( u n + 1 , u n + 2 ) + + d ( u n + p 1 , u n + p ) ( 1 + r + + r p 1 ) d ( u n , u n + 1 ) = 1 r p 1 r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) .

Letting p, we get for all n1 that d(z, u n )d( u n , u n + 1 )/(1r). Thus

d(z, u n + p )d( u n + p , u n + p + 1 )/(1r) r p d( u n , u n + 1 )/(1r).

By (6) and (7) we have for all nν, p1 that

r p 1 r d( u n , u n + 1 )> s p [ d ( z , u n ) 1 ( r / s ) p 1 + r d ( u n , u n + 1 ) ] ,


( r / s ) p 1 r d( u n , u n + 1 )>d(z, u n ) 1 ( r / s ) p 1 + r d( u n , u n + 1 ).

Taking the limit as p, we obtain that d(z, u n )d( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r) for all nν. Then we have

d(z, u n + 1 )d( u n + 1 , u n + 2 )/(1+r)rd( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r)


rd( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r)>sd(z, u n )(sr)d( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r).

This implies d(z, u n )<d( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r) for all nν. Thus,

d( u n , u n + 1 )d(z, u n )+d(z, u n + 1 )<d( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r)+rd( u n , u n + 1 )/(1+r)=d( u n , u n + 1 ).

This is a contradiction. Therefore there exists a subsequence { u n ( k ) } of { u n } such that

d(z,T u n ( k ) )sd(z, u n ( k ) ) s r 1 + r d( u n ( k ) ,T u n ( k ) )

for all k1. By hypothesis, we get d(Tz,T u n ( k ) )rd(z, u n ( k ) ). Letting k, we obtain d(Tz,z)=0, that is, z=Tz.

If s1, we assume that y is another fixed point of T. Then d(z,Ty)=d(z,y)sd(z,y)(sr)d(y,Ty)/(1+r)=sd(z,y), so, by hypothesis, d(z,y)=d(Tz,Ty)rd(z,y). Since r<1, this is a contradiction. □

Edelstein’s theorem

The following theorem extends Theorem 6 and generalizes Theorem 5.

Theorem 9 Let (X,d) be a compact metric space, and let T be a mapping on X. Assume that


for x,yX, where a>0, b>0, 2a+b<1. Then T has a unique fixed point.

Proof We put

β=inf { d ( x , T x ) : x X }

and choose a sequence { x n } in X such that lim n d( x n ,T x n )=β. Since X is compact, without loss of generality, we may assume that { x n } and {T x n } converge to some elements v,wX, respectively. We have

lim n d( x n ,w)= lim n d(T x n ,v)=d(v,w)=β.

We shall show β=0. Arguing by contradiction, we assume β>0. Since

lim n [ a d ( x n , T x n ) + b d ( w , T x n ) ] =aβ<β= lim n d(w, x n ),

we can choose a positive integer ν such that

ad( x n ,T x n )+bd(w,T x n )<d(w, x n )

for all nν. By hypothesis, d(Tw,T x n )<d(w, x n ) holds for nν. This implies

d(w,Tw)= lim n d(Tw,T x n ) lim n d(w, x n )=β.

From the definition of β, we obtain d(w,Tw)=β. Since ad(w,Tw)+bd(Tw,Tw)<d(Tw,w), we have

d ( T w , T 2 w ) <d(w,Tw)=β,

which contradicts the definition of β. Therefore we obtain β=0. We have lim n d( x n ,w)= lim n d(T x n ,v)= lim n d(T x n , x n )=d(v,w)=0, so v=w. Thus, lim n x n = lim n T x n =w.

We next show that T has a fixed point. Arguing by contradiction, we assume that T does not have a fixed point. Since ad( x n ,T x n )+bd(T x n ,T x n )<d(T x n , x n ) for all n1, we get d( T 2 x n ,T x n )<d(T x n , x n ), so lim n T 2 x n =w. By induction, we obtain that d( T p x n , T p + 1 x n )<d( T p 1 x n , T p x n )<<d( x n ,T x n ) and lim n T p x n =w for all integers p1. If there exist an integer p1 and a subsequence { x n ( k ) } of { x n } such that

ad ( T p 1 x n ( k ) , T p x n ( k ) ) +bd ( w , T p x n ( k ) ) <d ( w , T p 1 x n ( k ) )

for all k1, by hypothesis we get d(Tw, T p x n ( k ) )<d(w, T p 1 x n ( k ) ). Taking the limit as k, we obtain d(w,Tw)=0, that is, Tw=w, which is a contradiction. Hence, we can assume that for every m1, there exists an integer n(m)1 such that

ad ( T m 1 x n , T m x n ) +bd ( w , T m x n ) d ( w , T m 1 x n )

for all nn(m). Since

lim p p b p 1 b p =0,


2 a 1 b <1,

we can choose p satisfying

p b p 1 b p + ( p 1 ) b p 1 1 b p 1 + 2 a 1 b <1.

We put ν=max{n(1),n(2),,n(p)}. Then by (9) we have

d ( w , x n ) a d ( x n , T x n ) + b d ( w , T x n ) a d ( x n , T x n ) + b [ a d ( T x n , T 2 x n ) + b d ( w , T 2 x n ) ] = a d ( x n , T x n ) + a b d ( T x n , T 2 x n ) + b 2 d ( w , T 2 x n ) a d ( x n , T x n ) + a b d ( T x n , T 2 x n ) + + a b p 1 d ( T p 2 x n , T p 1 x n ) + b p d ( w , T p x n ) ( a + a b + + a b p 1 ) d ( x n , T x n ) + b p d ( w , T p x n ) [ a ( 1 b p ) / ( 1 b ) ] d ( x n , T x n ) + b p d ( w , T p x n )

for all nν. Since

d ( w , T p x n ) d ( w , x n ) + d ( x n , T x n ) + + d ( T p 1 x n , T p x n ) < d ( w , x n ) + p d ( x n , T x n ) ,

we get

d(w, x n )< [ a ( 1 b p ) / ( 1 b ) ] d( x n ,T x n )+ b p [ d ( w , x n ) + p d ( x n , T x n ) ] ,


d(w, x n )< ( a 1 b + p b p 1 b p ) d( x n ,T x n )

for all nν. Similarly, we can obtain

d ( w , T x n ) < [ a 1 b + ( p 1 ) b p 1 1 b p 1 ] d ( T x n , T 2 x n ) < [ a 1 b + ( p 1 ) b p 1 1 b p 1 ] d ( x n , T x n )

for all nν. Using (11), we get

d( x n ,T x n )d(w, x n )+d(w,T x n )< [ 2 a 1 b + p b p 1 b p + ( p 1 ) b p 1 1 b p 1 ] d( x n ,T x n )

for all nν. Thus, by (10), we obtain d( x n ,T x n )<d( x n ,T x n ), which is a contradiction. Therefore there exists zX such that Tz=z. Fix yX with yx. Then since ad(x,Tx)+bd(y,Tx)=bd(y,x)<d(y,x), we have d(Ty,x)=d(Ty,Tx)<d(y,x) and hence y is not a fixed point of T. Therefore, the fixed point of T is unique. □

Remark 2 The proof of Theorem 9 is available for a=1/2, b=0. In this case we obtained Theorem 6. We do not know if Theorem 9 is still correct for a=0, b=1, or, more generally, for 2a+b=1. This is an open question.

Example 2 Define a complete metric space X by X={A,B,C,D,E} such that d(A,B)=d(A,C)=d(B,D)=d(C,D)=2, d(A,D)=d(B,C)=3, d(A,E)=d(C,E)=5/2, d(B,E)=d(D,E)=1 and a mapping T on X by TA=B, TB=E, TC=D, TD=E, TE=E. Then T satisfies our condition from Theorem 9 for a=1/8, b=2/3, but T does not satisfy Suzuki’s condition from Theorem 6.

Proof We have d(A,C)=2=d(TA,TC) and (1/2)d(A,TA)=1<d(A,C)=2, so T does not satisfy Suzuki’s condition from Theorem 6. Moreover, we have ad(A,TA)+bd(C,TA)=ad(C,TC)+bd(A,TC)=2a+3b=9/4>d(A,C). It is now obvious that T satisfies our condition from Theorem 9. □


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Popescu, O. Some generalizations of Suzuki and Edelstein type theorems. Fixed Point Theory Appl 2013, 319 (2013).

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