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The existence of best proximity points with the weak P-property


We improve some existence theorem of best proximity points with the weak P-property, which has been recently proved by Zhang et al.

MSC:54H25, 54E50.

1 Introduction

Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty subsets of a metric space (X,d), and let T be a mapping from A into B. Then xA is called a best proximity point if d(x,Tx)=d(A,B), where d(A,B)=inf{d(x,y):xA,yB}. We have proved many existence theorems of best proximity points. See, for example, [16]. Very recently, Caballero et al. [7] proved a new type of existence theorem, and Zhang et al. [8] generalized the theorem. The theorem proved in [8] is Theorem 8 with an additional assumption of the completeness of B. The essence of the result in [7] becomes very clear in [8], however, we have not learned the essence completely.

Motivated by the fact above, in this paper, we improve the result in [8]. Also, in order to consider the discontinuous case, we give a Kannan version.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we give some preliminaries.

Definition 1 Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty subsets of a metric space (X,d), and define A 0 and B 0 by

A 0 = { x A :  there exists  u B  such that  d ( x , u ) = d ( A , B ) }


B 0 = { u B :  there exists  x A  such that  d ( x , u ) = d ( A , B ) } .


  • (Sankar Raj [9]) (A,B) is said to have the P-property if A 0 and the following holds:

    x,y A 0 ,u,v B 0 ,d(x,u)=d(y,v)=d(A,B)d(x,y)=d(u,v).
  • (Zhang et al.[8]) (A,B) is said to have the weak P-property if A 0 and the following holds:

    x,y A 0 ,u,v B 0 ,d(x,u)=d(y,v)=d(A,B)d(x,y)d(u,v).

Proposition 2 Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty subsets of a metric space (X,d), and define A 0 and B 0 by (1) and (2). Assume that A 0 . Then the following are equivalent:

  1. (i)

    (A,B) has the weak P-property.

  2. (ii)

    The conjunction of the following holds:

(ii-1) For every u B 0 , there exists a unique x A 0 with d(x,u)=d(A,B).

(ii-2) There exists a nonexpansive mapping Q from B 0 into A 0 such that d(Qu,u)=d(A,B) for every u B 0 .

Proof We note that B 0 because A 0 . First, we assume (i). Let x,y A 0 and u B 0 satisfy d(x,u)=d(y,u)=d(A,B). Then from (i), we have


thus, x=y. So (ii-1) holds. We put Qu=x. Then from the definition of the weak P-property, we have d(Qu,Qv)d(u,v) for u,v B 0 , that is, Q is nonexpansive. Conversely, we assume (ii). Let x,y A 0 and u,v B 0 satisfy d(x,u)=d(y,v)=d(A,B). Then from (ii-1), we have Qu=x and Qv=y. Therefore,


holds. □

Lemma 3 Let (A,B) be a pair of subsets of a metric space (X,d), and define A 0 and B 0 by (1) and (2). Assume that A 0 . Let T be a mapping from A into B, and let Q be a mapping from B 0 into A 0 such that d(Qu,u)=d(A,B) for every u B 0 . Then the following holds:

{ u n } B 0 , lim n u n =w,T ( lim n Q u n ) =ww B 0 .

Proof Let { u n } be a sequence in B 0 such that { u n } converges to wX, and T( lim n Q u n )=w. We put y= lim n Q u n . Since Ty=w, we have yA and wB. Since

d(y,w)= lim n d(Q u n , u n )=d(A,B),

we have y A 0 and w B 0 . □

Lemma 4 Let (X,d) be a metric space, let A, A 0 , B 0 be nonempty subsets such that A is complete and A 0 A. Let T be a mapping from A into X such that T( A 0 ) B 0 , and let Q be a nonexpansive mapping from B 0 into A 0 . Let Q ¯ be the mapping whose graph Gr( Q ¯ ) is the completion of Gr(Q). Assume (3). Then the following hold:

  1. (i)

    Q ¯ is well-defined and nonexpansive.

  2. (ii)

    Q ¯ w=z is equivalent to that there exists a sequence { u n } in B 0 such that lim n u n =w and lim n Q u n =z.

  3. (iii)

    The domain of Q ¯ is B 0 ¯ , where B 0 ¯ is the completion of B 0 .

  4. (iv)

    The range of Q ¯ is a subset of A 0 ¯ , where A 0 ¯ is the completion of A 0 .

  5. (v)

    T Q ¯ w=w implies TQw=w.

  6. (vi)

    Q ¯ Tz=z implies QTz=z.

  7. (vii)

    The range of Q ¯ is a subset of A.

Proof We consider that the whole space is the completion of X. Since Q is Lipschitz continuous, Q ¯ is well-defined. The rest of (i) and (ii)-(iv) are obvious. By using (3), we can easily prove (v) and (vi). From the completeness of A, we obtain (vii). □

3 Fixed point theorems

In this section, we give fixed point theorems, which are used in the proofs of the main results.

Theorem 5 Let (X,d) be a metric space, let A, A 0 , B 0 be nonempty subsets such that A is complete and A 0 A. Let T be a contraction from A into X such that T( A 0 ) B 0 , and let Q be a nonexpansive mapping from B 0 into A 0 . Assume (3). Then QT has a unique fixed point in A 0 .

Proof We consider that the whole space is the completion of X. Define a nonexpansive mapping Q ¯ as in Lemma 4. Since T is continuous, T( A 0 ¯ ) is a subset of B 0 ¯ . Let S be the restriction of T to A 0 ¯ . Then Q ¯ S is a contraction on A 0 ¯ . So the Banach contraction principle yields that there exists a unique fixed point z of Q ¯ S in A 0 ¯ . Since Q ¯ Tz=z, by Lemma 4(vi), z is a fixed point of QT. □


  • If X=A= A 0 = B 0 and Q is the identity mapping on B 0 , then Theorem 5 becomes the Banach contraction principle [10].

  • We can prove Theorem 5 with the mapping T Q ¯ as in the proof of Theorem 7.

We prove generalizations of Kannan’s fixed point theorem [11].

Theorem 6 Let (X,d) be a metric space, let Y be a complete subset of X, and let T be a mapping from Y into X. Assume that the following hold:

  1. (i)

    There exists α[0,1/2) such that d(Tx,Ty)αd(x,Tx)+αd(y,Ty) for all x,yY.

  2. (ii)

    There exists a nonempty subset Z of Y such that T(Z)Z.

Then there exists a unique fixed point z, and for every xZ, { T n x} converges to z.

Proof Fix xZ. Then from the proof in Kannan [11], we obtain that { T n x} converges to a fixed point, and the fixed point is unique. □

Remark If X=Y=Z, then Theorem 6 becomes Kannan’s fixed point theorem [11].

Using Theorem 6, we obtain the following.

Theorem 7 Let (X,d) be a metric space, let A, A 0 , B 0 be nonempty subsets such that A is complete and A 0 A. Let T be a mapping from A into X such that T( A 0 ) B 0 , and let Q be a nonexpansive mapping from B 0 into A 0 . Assume that (3) and the following hold:

  • There exist α[0,1/2) and μ[0,) such that

    d(Tx,Ty)α ( d ( x , T x ) μ ) +α ( d ( y , T y ) μ )

for x,yA and d(Qu,u)μ for all u B 0 .

Then TQ has a unique fixed point in B 0 .

Proof We consider that the whole space is the completion of X. Define a nonexpansive mapping Q ¯ as in Lemma 4. From the continuity of d, d( Q ¯ u,u)μ for u B 0 ¯ . For u,v B 0 ¯ , we have

d ( T Q ¯ u , T Q ¯ v ) α ( d ( Q ¯ u , T Q ¯ u ) μ ) + α ( d ( Q ¯ v , T Q ¯ v ) μ ) α ( d ( Q ¯ u , u ) + d ( u , T Q ¯ u ) μ ) + α ( d ( Q ¯ v , v ) + d ( v , T Q ¯ v ) μ ) α d ( u , T Q ¯ u ) + α d ( v , T Q ¯ v ) .

Hence T Q ¯ is a Kannan mapping from B 0 ¯ into X. T Q ¯ ( B 0 )=TQ( B 0 ) B 0 is obvious. So by Theorem 6, there exists a unique fixed point w of T Q ¯ in B 0 ¯ . By Lemma 4(v), w B 0 and w is a fixed point of TQ. □


  • Since T is not necessarily continuous, the range of T Q ¯ is not necessarily included by B 0 ¯ . Because of the same reason, we cannot prove Theorem 7 with the mapping Q ¯ T.

  • It is interesting that we do not need the completeness of any set related to B 0 directly. Of course, we need the completeness of A.

4 Main results

In this section, we give the main results.

Theorem 8 (Zhang et al. [8])

Let (A,B) be a pair of subsets of a metric space (X,d), and define A 0 and B 0 by (1) and (2). Let T be a contraction from A into B. Assume that the following hold:

  1. (i)

    (A,B) has the weak P-property.

  2. (ii)

    A is complete.

  3. (iii)

    T( A 0 ) B 0 .

Then there exists a unique zA such that d(z,Tz)=d(A,B).

Proof By Proposition 2(ii-2), there exists a nonexpansive mapping Q from B 0 into A 0 such that d(Qu,u)=d(A,B) for every u B 0 . Then by Lemma 3, all the assumptions in Theorem 5 hold. So there exists a unique fixed point z of QT in A 0 . This implies that d(z,Tz)=d(A,B). Let xA satisfy d(x,Tx)=d(A,B). Then from Proposition 2(ii-1), x A 0 , Tx B 0 and QTx=x hold. Since QT has a unique fixed point, we obtain x=z. Hence z is unique. □


  • If we weaken (i) to the conjunction of A 0 and (ii-2) in Proposition 2, we obtain only the existence of best proximity points.

  • In [8], we assume the completeness of B.

  • Exactly speaking, in [8], we obtained a theorem connected with Geraghty’s fixed point theorem [12]. However, in this paper, the difference between the two fixed point theorems is not essential. This means that we can easily modify Theorem 8 to be connected with Geraghty’s theorem.

Theorem 9 Let (A,B) be a pair of subsets of a metric space (X,d), and define A 0 and B 0 by (1) and (2). Let T be a mapping from A into B. Assume that (i)-(iii) in Theorem 8 and the following hold:

  1. (iv)

    There exists α[0,1/2) such that

    d(Tx,Ty)α ( d ( x , T x ) d ( A , B ) ) +α ( d ( y , T y ) d ( A , B ) )

for x,yA.

Then there exists a unique zA such that d(z,Tz)=d(A,B).

Proof By Proposition 2(ii-2), there exists a nonexpansive mapping Q from B 0 into A 0 such that d(Qu,u)=d(A,B) for every u B 0 . Then by Theorem 7, there exists a unique fixed point w of TQ in B 0 . This implies that d(z,Tz)=d(A,B), where z=Qw. Let xA satisfy d(x,Tx)=d(A,B). Then from Proposition 2(ii-1), x A 0 , Tx B 0 and QTx=x hold. Since TQTx=Tx, we have Tx=w, and hence x=QTx=Qw=z. Therefore, z is unique. □

Remark If we weaken (i) to the conjunction of A 0 and (ii-2) in Proposition 2, we obtain only the existence of best proximity points.

5 Additional result

In this section, we give a proposition similar to Proposition 2.

Proposition 10 Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty subsets of a metric space (X,d), and define A 0 and B 0 by (1) and (2). Assume that A 0 . Then the following are equivalent:

  1. (i)

    (A,B) has the P-property.

  2. (ii)

    The conjunction of the following holds:

(ii-1) For every u B 0 , there exists a unique x A 0 with d(x,u)=d(A,B).

(ii-2) There exists an isometry Q from B 0 onto A 0 such that d(Qu,u)=d(A,B) for every u B 0 .

Proof We note B 0 . First, we assume (i). Let x,y A 0 and u B 0 satisfy d(x,u)=d(y,u)=d(A,B). Then from (i), we have d(x,y)=d(u,u)=0, thus, x=y. So (ii-1) holds. We put Qu=x. Then it is obvious that Q is isometric. For every x A 0 , there exists u B 0 with d(x,u)=d(A,B). From (ii-1), Qu=x obviously holds, and hence Q is surjective. Conversely, we assume (ii). Let x,y A 0 and u,v B 0 satisfy d(x,u)=d(y,v)=d(A,B). Then we have Qu=x and Qv=y. Therefore, d(x,y)=d(Qu,Qv)=d(u,v) holds. □


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The author is supported in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

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Suzuki, T. The existence of best proximity points with the weak P-property. Fixed Point Theory Appl 2013, 259 (2013).

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