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Nonexpansive mappings on Abelian Banach algebras and their fixed points


A Banach space X is said to have the fixed point property if for each nonexpansive mapping T:EE on a bounded closed convex subset E of X has a fixed point. We show that each infinite dimensional Abelian complex Banach algebra X satisfying: (i) property (A) defined in (Fupinwong and Dhompongsa in Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2010:Article ID 34959, 2010), (ii) xy for each x,yX such that |τ(x)||τ(y)| for each τΩ(X), (iii) inf{r(x):xX,x=1}>0 does not have the fixed point property. This result is a generalization of Theorem 4.3 in (Fupinwong and Dhompongsa in Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2010:Article ID 34959, 2010).

MSC:46B20, 46J99.

1 Introduction

A Banach space X is said to have the fixed point property (or weak fixed point property) if for each nonexpansive mapping T:EE on a bounded closed convex (or weakly compact convex, resp.) subset E of X has a fixed point.

For the weak fixed point property of certain Banach algebras, Lau et al. [1] showed that the space C 0 (G), where G is a locally compact group, has the weak fixed point property if and only if G is discrete, and a von Neumann algebra has the weak fixed point property if and only if it is finite dimensional. Benavides and Pineda [2] proved that each ω-almost weakly orthogonal closed subspace of C( K 1 ), where K 1 is a metrizable compact space, has the weak fixed point property and C( K 2 ), where K 2 is a compact set with K 2 ( ω ) =, has the weak fixed point property.

As for the fixed point property, Dhompongsa et al. [3] showed that a C -algebra has the fixed point property if and only if it is finite dimensional. Fupinwong and Dhompongsa [4] proved that each infinite dimensional unital Abelian Banach algebra X with Ω(X) satisfying: (i) (A) defined in [4], (ii) xy for each x,yX with |τ(x)||τ(y)| for each τΩ(X), (iii) inf{r(x):xX,x=1}>0 does not have the fixed point property. Alimohammadi and Moradi [5] used the above result to obtain sufficient conditions to show that some unital uniformly closed subalgebras of C(X), where X is a compact space, do not have the fixed point property.

In this paper, we show that the unitality in the result proved in [4] can be omitted.

2 Preliminaries and lemmas

We assume that the field of each vector space in this paper is complex.

Let X be a Banach algebra. Define X ˜ =XC and a multiplication on X ˜ by


We have X ˜ is a unital Banach algebra with the unit (0,1) and called the unitization of X. X ˜ is also Abelian if X is Abelian.

If X ˜ is the unitization of a Banach algebra X and Ω(X) is the set of characters on X, then the set Ω( X ˜ ) of characters on X ˜ is equal to

{ τ ˜ : τ Ω ( X ) } { τ },

where τ ˜ is defined from τΩ(X) by

τ ˜ ( ( a , λ ) ) =τ(a)+λ,

for each (a,λ) X ˜ , and τ is the canonical homomorphism defined by

τ ( ( a , λ ) ) =λ,

for each (a,λ) X ˜ .

If X is an Abelian Banach algebra, condition (A) is defined by:

(A) For each xX, there exists an element yX such that τ(y)= τ ( x ) ¯ , for each τΩ(X).

It can be seen that if X satisfies (A), then so does the unitization X ˜ of X.

Let X be an Abelian Banach algebra. The Gelfand representation φ:XC(Ω(X)) is defined by x x ˆ , where x ˆ is defined by

x ˆ (τ)=τ(x),

for each τC(Ω(X)).

The following lemma was proved in [4].

Lemma 2.1 Let X be a unital Abelian Banach algebra satisfying (A) and

inf { r ( x ) : x X , x = 1 } >0.


  1. (i)

    the Gelfand representation φ is a bounded isomorphism,

  2. (ii)

    the inverse φ 1 is also a bounded isomorphism.

Let X be an Abelian Banach algebra satisfying (A) and inf{r(x):xX,x=1}>0. It can be seen that X is embedded in C(Ω( X ˜ )) as the closed subalgebra Y={ x ˆ C(Ω( X ˜ )): x ˆ ( τ )=0}. Moreover, for each x X ˜ , x is in X if and only if τ (x)=0.

Lemma 2.2 Let X be an infinite dimensional Abelian Banach algebra satisfying (A) and

inf { r ( x ) : x X , x = 1 } >0.

Then we have:

  1. (i)

    Ω(X) is an infinite set.

  2. (ii)

    If there exists a bounded sequence { x n } in X which contains no convergent subsequences and such that {τ( x n ):τΩ(X)} is finite for each nN, then there is an element x 0 X such that {ω( x 0 ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is equal to {0,1, 1 2 , 2 3 , 3 4 ,} or {0,1, 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 ,}.

  3. (iii)

    There is an element x 0 X such that {ω( x 0 ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is an infinite set.

  4. (iv)

    There exists a sequence { x n } in X such that {ω( x n ):ωΩ( X ˜ )}[0,1], for each nN, and { ( x n ˆ ) 1 {1}} is a sequence of nonempty pairwise disjoint subsets of Ω( X ˜ ).

Proof (i) From Lemma 2.10(i) in [4], we have Ω( X ˜ ) is infinite. Since

Ω( X ˜ )= { τ ˜ : τ Ω ( X ) } { τ },

where τ ˜ is defined from τΩ(X) by τ ˜ ((a,λ))=τ(a)+λ, for each (a,λ) X ˜ , and τ is the canonical homomorphism, so Ω(X) is also infinite.

  1. (ii)

    Let { x n } be a bounded sequence in X which has no convergent subsequences and the set {τ( x n ):τΩ(X)} be finite for each nN. Consider { x n } a sequence in X ˜ , so {ω( x n ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is finite for each nN. It follows from the proof of Lemma 2.10(ii) in [4] that

    Ω( X ˜ )= ( n N G n ) F,

where F is a closed set in Ω( X ˜ ), G n is closed and open for each nN, and {F, G 1 , G 2 ,} is a partition of Ω( X ˜ ). There are two cases to be considered. If τ is in F, defined ψ:Ω( X ˜ )R by

ψ(τ)={ 1 , if  τ G 1 , 1 n , if  τ G n , n 2 , 0 , if  τ F .

If τ is in G n 0 , for some n 0 N, we may assume that n 0 =1, defined ψ:Ω( X ˜ )R by

ψ(τ)={ 0 , if  τ G 1 , n 1 n , if  τ G n , n 2 , 1 , if  τ F .

For each case, we have the inverse image of each closed set in ψ(Ω( X ˜ )) is closed, so ψC(Ω( X ˜ )). Let φ: X ˜ C(Ω( X ˜ )) be the Gelfand representation. Therefore, φ 1 (ψ) is an element in X ˜ , say x 0 , such that {ω( x 0 ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is equal to {0,1, 1 2 , 2 3 , 3 4 ,} or {0,1, 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 ,}. We have x 0 X since τ ( x 0 )=ψ( τ )=0.

  1. (iii)

    Assume to the contrary that {ω(x):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is finite for each xX. Since X is infinite dimensional, so there is a bounded sequence { x n } in X which has no convergent subsequences. Thus {ω( x n ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is finite for each nN. It follows from (ii) that there exists x 0 X such that {ω( x 0 ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is infinite. This leads to a contradiction.

  2. (iv)

    It follows from (iii) that there exists an element x 1 X such that {ω( x 1 ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is infinite. We may assume that there exists a strictly decreasing sequence of real numbers { a n } such that

    { a n } x 1 ˆ ( Ω ( X ˜ ) ) [0,1], a 1 <1,

and ω( x 1 )=1 for some ωΩ( X ˜ ). Define g 1 :[0,1][0,1] by

g 1 (t)={ t a 1 , if  t [ 0 , a 1 ] , 1 + ( g 1 ( a 2 ) 1 ) ( t a 1 ) 2 ( 1 a 1 ) , if  t [ a 1 , 1 ] .

So g 1 is a continuous function joining the points (0,0) and ( a 1 ,1), and g 1 (1)( g 1 ( a 2 ),1). Let x 2 ˆ = g 1 x 1 ˆ , and define a continuous function g 2 :[0,1][0,1] by

g 2 (t)={ t g 1 ( a 2 ) , if  t [ 0 , g 1 ( a 2 ) ] , 1 + ( g 2 ( g 1 ( a 3 ) ) 1 ) ( t g 1 ( a 2 ) ) 2 ( 1 g 1 ( a 2 ) ) , if  t [ g 1 ( a 2 ) , 1 ] .

g 2 is joining the point (0,0) and ( g 1 ( a 2 ),1) and g 2 (1)( g 2 ( g 1 ( a 3 )),1). Let x 3 ˆ = g 2 x 2 ˆ . Continuing in this process, we obtain a sequence of points { x n } in X ˜ with {ω( x n ):ωΩ(X)}[0,1], for each nN, and { ( x n ˆ ) 1 {1}} is a sequence of nonempty pairwise disjoint subsets of Ω( X ˜ ). Since g n (0)=0, for each nN, so

x i + 1 ˆ ( τ )=( g i g 1 x 1 ˆ )( τ )=( g i g 1 )(0)=0,

for each iN. Then τ ( x n )=0, for each nN. Thus { x n } is a sequence in X. □

3 Main theorem

Theorem 3.1 Let X be an infinite dimensional Abelian Banach algebra satisfying (A) and each of the following:

  1. (i)

    If x,yX is such that |τ(x)||τ(y)|, for each τΩ(X), then xy,

  2. (ii)


Then X does not have the fixed point property.

Proof Assume to the contrary that X has the fixed point property. From Lemma 2.2(iv), there exists a sequence { x n } in X such that {ω( x n ):ωΩ( X ˜ )}[0,1] for each nN, and { ( x n ˆ ) 1 {1}} is a sequence of nonempty pairwise disjoint subsets of Ω( X ˜ ). Let A n = ( x n ˆ ) 1 {1}, and define T n : E n E n by

x x n x,


E n = { x X : 0 ω ( x ) 1  for each  ω Ω ( X ˜ ) ,  and  ω ( x ) = 1  if  ω A n } .

From (i) and (ii), T n : E n E n is a nonexpansive mapping on the bounded closed convex set E n for each nN. Indeed, E n is bounded since

inf { r ( x ) : x X , x = 1 } r ( x x ) = sup ω Ω ( X ˜ ) | ω ( x x ) | = 1 x sup ω Ω ( X ˜ ) | ω ( x ) |

for each xX. So T n has a fixed point, say y n , for each nN. We have y n = x n y n , hence y n ˆ = x n ˆ y n ˆ , and then

y n ˆ (ω)={ 0 , if  ω  is not in  A n , 1 , if  ω  is in  A n ,

for each nN. We have y m ˆ y n ˆ =1, if mn, since A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , are pairwise disjoint. Therefore, { y n ˆ } has no convergent subsequences. From Lemma 2.1, X ˜ and C(Ω( X ˜ )) are homeomorphic. So { y n } has no convergent subsequences. From Lemma 2.2(ii), there exists an element x 0 in X such that {ω( x 0 ):ωΩ( X ˜ )} is equal to {0,1, 1 2 , 2 3 , 3 4 ,} or {0,1, 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 ,}. Let A 0 = ( x 0 ˆ ) 1 {1}. Define T 0 : E 0 E 0 by

x x 0 x,


E 0 = { x X : 0 ω ( x ) 1  for each  ω Ω ( X ˜ ) ,  and  ω ( x ) = 1  if  ω A 0 } .

From (i) and (ii), T 0 is a nonexpansive mapping on the bounded closed convex set E 0 . Hence T 0 has a fixed point, say y 0 , i.e., y 0 = x 0 y 0 . Therefore, y 0 ˆ = x 0 ˆ y 0 ˆ . Then

y 0 ˆ (ω)={ 0 , if  ω  is not in  A 0 , 1 , if  ω  is in  A 0 .

Since y 0 ˆ = x 0 ˆ y 0 ˆ , so we have A 0 = ( y 0 ˆ ) 1 {1} and Ω( X ˜ ) A 0 = ( y 0 ˆ ) 1 {0}. Then Ω( X ˜ ) is a disjoint union of two compact sets A 0 and Ω( X ˜ ) A 0 . If

{ ω ( x 0 ) : ω Ω ( X ˜ ) } = { 0 , 1 , 1 2 , 2 3 , 3 4 , } ,

then { ( x 0 ˆ ) 1 { n n + 1 }:nN}{ ( x 0 ˆ ) 1 {0}} is a pairwise disjoint open covering of the compact set Ω( X ˜ ) A 0 . This leads to a contradiction. Similarly, if

{ ω ( x 0 ) : ω Ω ( X ˜ ) } = { 0 , 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 , 1 4 , } ,

then A 0 has a pairwise disjoint open covering, which is a contradiction. So we conclude that X does not have the fixed point property. □

The following question is interesting.

Question 3.2 Does the Fourier algebra A(G) or the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra B(G) of a locally compact group G have property (A) when G is an infinite group?

Note that A(G) or B(G) are both commutative semigroup Banach algebras with the fixed point property if and only if G is finite (see Theorem 5.7 and Corollary 5.8 of [6]). It is well known that A(G) is norm dense in C 0 (G) with spectrum G.


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This research was supported by the Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, the Commission on Higher Education, Thailand.

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Fupinwong, W. Nonexpansive mappings on Abelian Banach algebras and their fixed points. Fixed Point Theory Appl 2012, 150 (2012).

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